Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Free From Fear – Free Ebook Download

Free From Fear - Free EbookClick Image To Visit Site "One of the greatest ‘un-put-down-able’ books I have ever read"

22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear Into Happiness, Peace and Inspiration

Imagine if you had absolutely no fear of failure (or success…) and you knew you could accomplish anything you wanted – no limitations whatsoever.

Would you change careers or start a business? Would you go travelling? Would you write that novel?

Imagine you could easily overcome ALL of your fears and phobias and you knew without a doubt you deserved to have everything you wanted.

Would you finally allow yourself to get out and meet that special someone, fall in love and live happily ever after?

Would you terminate the unhealthy relationships that are no longer serving you and haven’t been for years?

We recently asked our Evolution Ezine readers what was the biggest factor holding them back from the success they desired?

When fear begins infiltrating your body, you notice unmistakable signs. These include tightening of your muscles, especially in the neck, shoulder and back area; you may also feel a tightening or queasiness in your abdomen; tightness or pressure in the chest, shortness of breath, pounding heart, restlessness, and muscle weakness or shakiness in the arms and legs.

Research shows that fear can actually lower our immune system response. With the threat of a ‘global pandemic’ and accompanying ‘vaccines’, fear may be our worst enemy…

Beyond the physical sensations you may also notice negative emotions like defensiveness, irritability, frustration, anger, aggression, sadness, and helplessness. Continuously being faced with fearful situations can also lead to more serious physical and emotional problems such as insomnia, depression, lack of motivation, weight loss or weight gain, and paranoia.

So we asked our Evolution Ezine readers for their top tips on overcoming fear, and together we created the ebook 22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear Into Happiness, Peace and Inspiration

We will email you the FREE download link to the ebook 22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear Into Happiness, Peace and Inspiration

You’ll also receive a FREE subscription to the popular weekly personal development/consciousness online… Read more…

Free From Fear – Free Ebook Download

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