Sunday, January 26, 2014

The 21-Day Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free (GDS-Free) Challenge

The 21-Day Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free (GDS-Free) ChallengeClick Image To Visit Site All the while still enjoying all the pleasures that eating, entertaining and cooking brings to your life.

Last but not least, you’ll become part of a helping, loving and enthusiastic community which has your best interest at heart. So, why not take the 21-Day Challenge today!

A live one-hour call with Shirley, each Monday with Q&A recorded so you can listen anytime, anywhere at your convenience

Membership to a closed Facebook group, complete with support, encouragement and a forum for asking questions

Audio from Dr. Richard Nahas, M.D integrative medical specialist, recommending why he tells his patients to go gluten-free-

Audio from clinical hypnotherapist Johanna Lynn including a hypnosis clip to help with the GDS-F transition, cravings and emotions brought on by diet change-

I’ve called upon two experts in their field to share their knowledge and skills with you as part of this 21 Day Challenge. Dr. Richard Nahas, an experienced physician, discusses why he recommends a gluten free diet to his patients. Johanna Lynn, a clinical hypnotherapist, provides a 30 minute audio recording of a deep relaxation session to help you throughout the challenge.

“ Shirley has found many creative ways to bring all kinds of healthy food into the daily diet, with lots of good ideas on how to combine them. ”

“ Your recipes are simple, quick, nutritious, and use ingredients you normally have in the house that can feed your whole family. I’ve never felt so healthy, thanks so much for helping us improve Tom’s and our health! ”

“ Shirley Plant’s recipes deliver on two fronts. They provide ideas for delicious meals AND her recipes don’t upset my tummy. A great big thank you to Shirley from my tastebuds and my digestive system. ”

Feeling better, knowing what you CAN eat, where to buy these new foods, how to bake and cook with these foods, more energy, foolproof recipes the whole family enjoys, part of a supportive community

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